This unique Marmande tomato originates from our specialty breeding program in Italy and yields a high volume of 6.7 oz. (190 g) red fruits with deeply ribbed shoulders, a shiny exterior and small blossom end scar. With a balanced, generative growth habit and leaf mold resistance, Marsalato is well-suited for protected culture systems, but is also adaptable to the open field, especially in more moderate climates. We suggest harvesting fruit with slightly green shoulders for a crisp texture and a tangy flavor.
This unique Marmande tomato originates from our specialty breeding program in Italy and yields a high volume of 6.7 oz. (190 g) red fruits with deeply ribbed shoulders, a shiny exterior and small blossom end scar. With a balanced, generative growth habit and leaf mold resistance, Marsalato is well-suited for protected culture systems, but is also adaptable to the open field, especially in more moderate climates. We suggest harvesting fruit with slightly green shoulders for a crisp texture and a tangy flavor.